Homeopathy is very popular with humans, but can we use it on our animals?
The answer is yes! Homeopathy has the advantage of being entirely natural, therefore harmless for our animals and without side effects.
Homeopathy can be used as a preventive and/or curative treatment for certain behavioral or digestive disorders or to treat everyday problems.
A homeopathic treatment can be taken in the form of granules or syrup, which can be mixed with your pet's food.
A solution for behavioral problems:
Due to loneliness or a departure, your pet feels helpless. In addition to a human presence, you can administer Ignatia Amara or Gelsemium.
Phosphorus can also be used for hypersensitive dogs.
Anger or destruction
Your pet can't calm down on its own, or destroys everything in its path. Try Staphysagria.
A solution for everyday problems:
Insect bites
Apis Mellifica (bee based, to treat allergic or inflammatory oedemas).
Physical and psychological trauma
Arnica Montana (perennial mountain plant).
Food poisoning, digestive disorders
Arsenicum Album (based on natural arsenic), Nux vomica (based on emesis), Podophyllum (based on the root of the plant of the same name).
Joint stiffness
Rhus toxicodendron (made from the young shoots of poison ivy).
Skin infections
Calendula (based on garden marigold, for its analgesic and antiseptic effects).
Belladonna (toxic plant but extremely active on acute inflammations).
Good to know
There are also phyto-therapeutic treatments, based on the benefits of plants, which complement medical treatments.
In any case, you must make sure that your pet's disorder is not serious if you wish to treat it with homeopathy or phytotherapy. In case of a worrying disorder, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.
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