A dog with a runny nose can be a real cause for concern, even though in most cases the cause is completely benign.
Let's remember that dogs have a sense of smell that is 40 times more developed than ours and that this faculty is extremely important for our canine friends.
Let's discover the most plausible causes of an excessive nasal discharge:
Depending on the allergens involved, your dog may have a runny nose when pollen season begins. Dogs can be allergic, just like people, to many trees, plants or insects.
Allergies also cause runny eyes and itchy skin, in addition to a runny nose.
If your dog's reactions are cyclical, it's best to make an appointment with a veterinarian or dermatologist to test for allergen reactions and put a name to the ailment that's bothering your dog.
The nose is blocked
Our dogs spend a lot of time sniffing everything around them. Occasionally, a foreign object can get lodged in the nose and bother your dog. Whether it's a blade of grass, a spikelet or even dirt, a blocked nostril will usually cause your dog to scratch his nose, sneeze, or even have difficulty breathing, in addition to the nasal discharge.
If you see the foreign body, you can try to remove it with tweezers. If you can't get rid of it, it's best to try your luck at the vet's office.
If you're not completely sure if an object is lodged in the nostril, do the mirror test. Put your dog in front of a mirror, if the fog appears only on one side, it means that the nostril is blocked.

The flu
As with humans, the canine flu can be very contagious. Your dog may have caught it on a walk, at the park or at the vet.
Although very rarely fatal, the flu is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as a runny nose, cough, fever and lack of appetite.
Dogs usually recover on their own with rest.
Sinus infection
Bacterial, fungal or viral in origin, a sinus infection will cause mucus discharge, even pus, and sometimes bleeding from the nose, with a bad smell and coughing.
Antibiotic or antifungal treatment is essential to cure this pathology, so a visit to the veterinarian is essential.
If your dog has repeated infections, a surgical procedure may be recommended.

This is a disease against which puppies are usually vaccinated. It resembles a cold but can quickly develop into pneumonia and cause death in the most sensitive subjects.
It is accompanied by fever, vomiting and diarrhea and requires a complete and long veterinary treatment.
Kennel Cough
Most often caught when dogs live in a community, this respiratory disease affects the dog's trachea and causes severe coughing fits.
A vaccine is recommended whenever your dog is in contact with other dogs (boarding, kennel, park, etc.)
Medication to treat the symptoms can be prescribed, the viral disease heals itself on healthy subjects.

Dog breeds such as French Bulldogs and other brachycephalic dogs are the breeds most affected by problems in the nostrils and airways.
You will hear snoring, heavy breathing, sniffing, and strenuous physical activities will not be recommended.
Symptoms can be relieved with adjustments to your lifestyle and environment. Surgery may be recommended.

Remember, dogs do not sweat to regulate their body temperature, they pant.
A runny nose can indicate that they are simply too hot and can't cool off.
The best way to deal with this problem is to provide plenty of cool water and rest in a cool place.

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